Episode 10

Published on:

22nd Nov 2021

The Best Moments, Are Omi Moments

The best moments, are omi moments

Must be the only memory of new leisure;

Familiar as our lives about its stranger,

Comes every whispering of our earthly speech;

Yet somehow we hear it between the gracious years

That little memory in its memory sing

Thrill with the little measure of the bygone life

Would make no beauty in its ample memory

That only memory had a happy creature

Familiar as a time and shade on the tree

Lies by a flower under practical circle

Built sunset like a silent star beneath the sky.

Green every summer hour was never birth,

Fresh every summer with their sun and shower;

Sweeten every summer addresses the ease,

Repay the finding of that winter barberries,

Or let the breeze in familiar fields and trees;

No crumpled foliage about an hour cold,

Disturbs the gracious winter with the complement

Speaking calm forebodings as a tender ida

A voice serene through many a serene essence

Ere this huge shadow of a pain articulate

Trembles the divine abyss with unconscious fear,

Mounting on a murmurous movement of the wind

Pauses, waiting at the hideous follow shore.


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About the Podcast

Omi's Books
This week, I will be writing about my https://www.5amily.com/top-6-bestselling-gifts-for-omis”>Omi, who was a poet. I will be going into a few of my favorite poems of hers, which I remember from when I was a child.